A LEGACY FOR ALL : A Collection of Articles

The Department of Information, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, is pleased to present you with this first ever E-book titled, “A Legacy for All,” which boasts a unique collection of articles and insights that reflect the wide range of royal initiatives and their legacy on national development. The articles are written by past and present diplomats, as well as practitioners directly involved with the implementation of royal initiatives which have been grouped under six important areas, namely, public health, sustainable development, water management, humanitarianism, foreign relations, and multiculturalism. Written during December 2020 – June 2022, these articles were inspired by His Majesty the King’s resolve to preserve and build upon the legacy of His Majesty’s Father in creating happiness and enduring good for all citizens. But what started out as a reflection on the legacy of His Majesty’s Father quickly expanded to reflections on the role of other Members of the Royal Family, and His Majesty the King’s own contributions to Thailand’s national development. Finally, this compilation also serves as a testament to the meaningful contributions and hardwork of the multitude of dedicated civil servants, academicians, farmers, community leaders and others who have ontinued to advance this important legacy to this day, and for our future generations. The Department of Information is indeed appreciative and grateful for the valuable contributions of all authors of the articles as well as afore-mentioned individuals whose service was cited herein.

Published date : Oct 25, 2022
Publisher : Department of Information Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Category : ทั่วไป
Page : 152
Rating :
Available Unlimited

MARC Information

245 a : Title 
A LEGACY FOR ALL : A Collection of Articles 
260 b : Name of publisher 
Department of Information Ministry of Foreign Affairs 
260 c : Date of publication 
300 a : Total pages 
520 a : Description 
The Department of Information, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, is pleased to present you with this first ever E-book titled, “A Legacy for All,” which boasts a unique collection of articles and insights that reflect the wide range of royal initiatives and their legacy on national development. The articles are written by past and present diplomats, as well as practitioners directly involved with the implementation of royal initiatives which have been grouped under six important areas, namely, public health, sustainable development, water management, humanitarianism, foreign relations, and multiculturalism. Written during December 2020 – June 2022, these articles were inspired by His Majesty the King’s resolve to preserve and build upon the legacy of His Majesty’s Father in creating happiness and enduring good for all citizens. But what started out as a reflection on the legacy of His Majesty’s Father quickly expanded to reflections on the role of other Members of the Royal Family, and His Majesty the King’s own contributions to Thailand’s national development. Finally, this compilation also serves as a testament to the meaningful contributions and hardwork of the multitude of dedicated civil servants, academicians, farmers, community leaders and others who have ontinued to advance this important legacy to this day, and for our future generations. The Department of Information is indeed appreciative and grateful for the valuable contributions of all authors of the articles as well as afore-mentioned individuals whose service was cited herein. 
650 a : Subject 

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